Sam's March book reviews

i recall an instagram picture from jen hatmaker of her daughter tapping into her photography skills. jen captioned the picture with words encouraging us to let our kids chase their dreams and gifts while they are young and while they think they can do anything. that's at least what i grabbed from her parenting moment.

with four kids exploring what they like - what they're naturally good at - what they want to learn more about - what brings them happiness and what was a total failure - we want to be here to cheer and lead, but give them space to wander and experiment.

sam, our ten year old, is into books and legos and baseball. but books can go anywhere with him and they do. he's got one in the van, backpack, and on the top bunk. he's goal driven {more than any human i know} and has set himself a goal of reading 200 books in 2016. he's also techy. of course, most kids are these days. since he's limited on access to the internet {parents, geez!} he's starting his first book review blogpost right here.

so take note. he's done the work for you. these books we'd highly recommend for upper elementary and middle school. share the link with your school and your friends. sam likes the idea that he's helping a mom or teacher or kid his age out.

Class Dismissed by Allan Woodrow


Did Ms. Bryce just retire and no one knew about it except the students in Room 507? Does this mean the students can do all they want for the rest of the school year or will it be too difficult? The kids roam from every personality from blockheads to kids that are already worried about college and kids that doodle on desks and that are completely obsessed with fashion. Can the kids in Room 507 keep it a secret or will someone spill the beans? Read to find more about this whizz-popping book.


The Junction of Sunshine and Lucky by Holly Schindler


Auggie Jones lives with her Grandpa August Jones. (Yes, Auggie is named after him.) August, known as Gus, is a poor man and works as a trash hauler. Then, one of Auggie's wealthy classmate's dads starts the House Beautification Committee. Gus and Auggie are told they are to make renovations or else they will be fined. Can Auggie and Gus manage to listen and do what they are told to do or will they not be able to meet their needs and become homeless? Holly Schindler's story is an empowering story that shows us no matter what age you are, you can make a difference. To find out more about this book, look at your local bookstore because you don't want to miss out on this!

Ungifted by Gordon Korman


Donovan, who is a daredevil trying to find stunts to break his neck, finds out he's been accepted into the Academy of Scholastic Distinction (gifted school). Was he really accepted into a genius school? To find out more, go ahead and read this book!

Boy by Roald Dalhl


In Roald Dahl’s chaotic childhood story, he’s always causing trouble whether it’s riding down the street with a tricycle or putting a dead rat into a candy bin. He’s always ending up in a place he doesn’t want to be in. His nose nearly comes off when his young teenage half-sister drives the car and crashes. His childhood seems to be the inspiration for all the rest of his wonderful books. Roald Dahl seems to have a way that keeps the child interested when he or she knows the TV is right in the other room. If you love adventurous people, then this book is just for you.

at the time of this book review, samuel pilgreen has just 
completed his 48th book. he's 8 ahead of his own schedule 
and just downed an extremely large yogurt from costco!

can i just say thanks?


5 year slideshow