home, ideas and lessons, Live Sent, summer shauna pilgreen home, ideas and lessons, Live Sent, summer shauna pilgreen

friendly game of whatever {a summer series}

did anything ever happen impromptu during the summers when you were growing up? 

my parents would get a call from a farmer friend that they could come and pick corn from his field. my sisters and i knew what we were doing the next evening on the front porch. shuckin' corn! i was a pro with the husk, but those silks got me all frustrated! we'd eat a good bit that summer, freeze some and give some away. 

sunday nights after church we'd get crazy and go get ice cream at the dairy queen or meet up at the city sports field for a game of softball! word always got around.

impromptu is not my style, but i want it to be. okay. maybe impromptu with a wee bit of preparedness! 

you've been rocking intentionality all summer! here are a few impromptus:

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friendship, home, ideas and lessons, Live Sent, summer shauna pilgreen friendship, home, ideas and lessons, Live Sent, summer shauna pilgreen

invite someone over. {a summer series}

someone different.

i've already pegged you as someone who enjoys hospitality, so having someone over seems like normalcy. 

but, who's someone you've thought about having over and pushed it to the back of your mind?

who's someone you know but has never come over to your home? 

who's someone you want to learn from?

what about someone who would love a home cooked meal?

is there a refugee family or someone new to town who could use a friend?

it still haunts me.

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summer, home, ideas and lessons shauna pilgreen summer, home, ideas and lessons shauna pilgreen

sunrise or sunset. you choose. {a summer series}

the sun comes up at 6 am and sets a little after 8 pm. 

if we go up the hill, we can catch dynamite sunrises. If we go to the beach and karl the fog is away, the sunset just might beat the sunrise. I’m guessing we’ll score the latter considering we’re growing teenagers this summer. the plan is to go this week on the last day of school and watch the sunset. but i'm more of a morning person and what calls louder than the sun is devil's teeth baking company. i highly recommend the "special" - a homemade biscuit packed with eggs, cheese, bacon, aioli, and avocado. 

back to the sun. look at your calendar and plan a time to catch the sun rising or setting. check your weather app so you don't miss it! invite some friends to join you. this is a slowing down celebration of what the day can be and what the day has been.

back to the sun.

look at your calendar and plan a time to catch the sun rising or setting. check your weather app so you don't miss it! invite some friends to join you. this is a slowing down celebration of what the day can be and what the day has been.

is this the first time you've done this in your city? is it the last?

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