Day 7: Potty Training Attempted

I have no pictures. I really don't have much to say. (and if you know me, I'm usually not at a loss for words, but rather take the long way around of saying things! see?)

I thought I was making the right choice by having a friend here to help with the process and making a schedule for the day, but I realize that I was preparing myself, rather than the one being potty-trained!

I could write about the frustrations and what I did right or wrong and everyone that has ever potty-trained could give me their advice. Though I've potty trained two boys, each have been different in how they learn and Asher is no exception. So instead of counting this day out, I say we learned today. Asher sat on the big potty and produced twice! Elijah and Sam are great supporters and made up cheers and stories to tell Asher. Ben came onto the scene at the end of the day and stepped in to help.

As for me, I've learned that success doesn't come in a day and that a day is not made up of only success.

Day 8: Local Event on a warm SF day


Day 6: Farmer's Market